Monday, February 27, 2012

The Sunny Side of Smut

According to Wikipedia pornography or porn is the explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual arousal and erotic satisfaction. Pornography may use a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, and video games. Along with this globalisation era, pornography can be search through internet without any boundaries and much of it is free.

“There’s absolutely no evidence that pornography does anything negative,” says Milton Diamond, director of Pacific Centre for Sex and Society at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Do you agree with the statement? I would definitely see no. The evidence is everywhere. As we can see the pornography matter had become widely known in the world.

The harm in pornography use is in knowing not only what bad, even criminal, things might happen if it is used. In the article stated that, sex offenders say that pornography helps them keep their abnormal sexuality within the confines of their imagination. However, when we deal with these negative or unpleasant thoughts it will leads appropriate changes. The thoughts become more and more destructive.  

As more and more children are exposed there will be more bad influence for them. Usually, children often imitate what they have seen, read or heard. Exposure to pornography can lead children to act out sexually against others. Maybe to younger, smaller children or even worst it can be crime as well. Can you imagine what will happen to those kids when they grow up? It will be worse than we thought.

From some research that has be done, among high school student about 31 percent of the males and 18 percent of the females admitted actually doing some of the things they had seen in the pornography within a few days after. We have to do something to prevent this problem from getting worst. This problem definitely should be concern about.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fickle Friends

Fickle Friends is an article written by Kristen Weir asking that have you ever had a friend who makes plans to hang out but cancels when a better offer comes along?  Well, I definitely would say yes. A friend is someone you can depend on. Someone who you can talk to. A friend could be anything. They can be your best friend or maybe your enemy. 

Some people go through life with only a few friends. They have no one that they can call in good times or bad and me? I have 12 best friends that I love. Some have less than that. A friend is like a biggest miracle which can give people different impacts. For those who are appreciating you as their friend they will never let you down. They will try to help you or find a ways to stop you from falling down and try to get some help for you.

But still we have to think about the other sides. How about backstabbing friends? In the article stated that ‘You love them, you don’t want to lose to them, but they’re really in pain”. Your friends, they might nice but when you are around other people she or he always brings you down in front of other friends and gossiping about when you are not around. 

Some people they agree that anyone who makes other people feel hurt or miserable is not a friend that you need in your life. Sometimes a friend just craving for being liked and the only way they know to do is by making up stories. You may have a lot of friends but try to get a friend who is loyal or sincere if you can.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thinking Folly

Based on the article that I have read Thinking Folly by Eckhart Tolle said that there is a way out of suffering and into peace, but how? It depends on how you think.

It can be various type of thinking, assuming, suspecting, rejecting, wondering, believing, judging, creating and planning. Thinking is really necessary and important for taking decisions which can affect your own actions and others consequences. Sometimes certain situation needs you to think more than usual. When we think too much or care less about something we may be forgotten or blind towards certain thing.

Concepts in thinking are an addition of their use in perception. Only that our opponent is often not a person, but the world. Did you realize that? The ability of the humans to evaluate all the possible results of their actions is much more limited.  We want to take decisions, which are varied but will us able to prove tit how far the truthfulness of the decisions.

Besides Eckhart Tolle state that the mind is essentially a survival machine which attack and defence against each other minds, gathering, storing, and analysing information  this is what it is good at, but not at all creative.

There are differences in the way of people thinking. Some people said satisfactory or agreeable solutions are sometimes found unconsciously. After focusing for hours on a problem or issue, the solution approached after the problem was put away for a while. Some people said we will get the solutions after we putting effort on it and not give up.
We should know thinking did play important role in our life because the way we think will give the perceptions towards something. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Pianist

Last week I have watched a movie title The Pianist directed by Roman Polanski. First what came crossed my mind is how I don’t want to see this movie. Thinking about the title and the poster I don’t know how the story going to be. But after watching the movie, I don’t think I regret it. 

The story happened on 1 September 1939 and it is World War II. The war started when Britain and France have declared war on Nazi GermanyThe movie about a guy named Władysław Szpilmana, cast by Adrien Brody a famous pianist who working for Warsaw Radio in the movie. However, Szpilman becomes subject to the anti-Jewish laws imposed by the conquering Germans. In the story he is a strong man who is trying hard in doing everything to stay alive. During the war he manages to live but in the suffering way and hiding with his family.

While watching the movie I was trying to put myself in his position and thinking how I would react if I was there.  Imagine if all of your things had been taken by someone else, your live, your family and your freedom. I don’t think I can handle it. I just could give up perhaps. But I learned something from this movie which is do not give up no matter how hard you face the obstacles. 

I think many people have touched on this scene where the German soldier killed the innocent people without feeling guilty at all. They just kill them like as a must. But somehow because of Władysław Szpilmana spirit to still alive he manages to survive until the end. The final scene there was a German soldier who was trying to help him by giving him food and hide him from other soldiers. 

With all the great acting that Adrien Brody acts in this movie it gives me a big impact. There are certain things that we should know and realize.  It is really a big opportunity for us to still alive and live in this world without any war.