Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Animal Farm

I wanted to post my review about the movie that I watched last Tuesday and see what anyone thought about them. The movie that I watched is Animal Farm directed by George Orwell.

From my opinion it is a clever story how the animals take over and escaped from humans but then turn out to be just as bad as them. But I will not agree that they are using animal character to show the bad sides of some society. We cannot expect people to think exactly like what we are thinking. Some people they think more or less.

Have you ever thinking that by using animal character some people they will easily misinterpret the character or the storyline without thinking deeper what the director was trying to tell. Certain people will take it seriously which the consequences that might happen is there will be animal abuse.

In the movie they identified the pigs as the smartest animals in the group lead by committed Snowball and cruel Napoleon who is turncoat at the end and lead the revolution. In a little while the Napoleon begins to adjust the rules depends on his need and assume to get more power from other animals. He create another and apply the concept which is new propaganda all animals are equal but some animals are equals than other.

He also blaming Snowball for making up the new propaganda to manipulate other animals that Snowball is the traitor. But most of all I remember Boxer, the faithful horse who asked no questions and just worked until he died. But one of the dog named, Jessie she realized that Napoleon just use them to get the power to conquer the animal farm and at the end Jessie and other animals they manage to escape. This movie shows that sometimes is better for us to stay like how used to live before rather than make a new changes that can bring us to worst condition. 


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