Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Are You Right or Left Brained?

Our brain performs an incredible number of tasks. Human brain is unique. Although it’s not large, it gives us the power to speak, imagine and problem solve. Research has been done on our brain. Brain theory helps us understand more about why some people are good in inventors but poor producers or weak leaders. 

The research indicates that the brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left and the right, and that each of them has their own specializes in different functions, processes different kinds of information, and deals with different kinds of problems. Each of us has a preferred way of using two hemispheres of our brain. Which one are you?

This answer to this question will reveal about yourself you never knew before. First, people love to describe themselves as either left brained (logical, mathematical) or right brained (creative, artistic, wholistic). Why? This is the reason why they are good at some things and not good at other things. The left brain works more with logic and analysis, the right works more with emotions and imagination. 

Illusions are examples of how our brain becomes confused by seeing different things when looking at something we've not seen before. This happens because our thinking brain memory pieces together past experiences to decide what things mean to us by keying on either we are using right or left brain to think.

Read out the COLOUR of each word as quickly as you can. If you say the word instead, then start again. Not so easy is it? Amateur psychologists would say because it's the 2 separate halves of your brain work against each other, one trying to process colour information and the other textual data. 

The Adventures of TinTin

This is the last review of the movie that we watched, “The Adventures of TinTin”, an animated boy’s own adventure directed by Steven Spielberg, and producer Peter Jackson. Tintin’s skill as a detective had brought him to the biggest secret that hidden.

The films start with TinTin who see a small boat and buys it but right after that someone come for the boat and threaten him, Sakharine. He tells him the boat it’s not for sale and takes it home. TinTin so curious and decides to investigate why it’s so valued.

Now the adventures begin. He learns about the boat, the Unicorn, and its story.  After that he met an old man, Haddock. Haddock reveals that his ancestor was the captain of the Unicorn, and he knows the secret of the Unicorn, but he’s spent so much time as a drunk he’s forgotten what he was told. At the end of the movie, TinTin and Haddock manage to arrest Sakharine.

While watching the movie I never thought that TinTin will be so curious about it and it is really interesting for me because if we compare to reality, most of teenagers nowadays they did not have a strong spirit like TiTin have. For an example, teenagers nowadays they love and complete their work carelessly without think deeply about it and give up easily. This movie is a must for people for all ages. You can learn something from this movie in many ways. The Adventures of Tintin is absolutely worth seeing. It's the most creative and most exciting action.

The Great Debaters

Another movie that we watched is “The Great Debaters” by Denzel Washington from Oprah Winfrey's Production Company. The Great Debaters is a based-on-a-true-story drama that actually manages to inspire. I know this movie sounds boring and I even can hear my friends yawning while watching this movie but I think this movie is great. 

Washington plays Melvin Tolson, a poet and professor at Alabama’s historically black Wiley College. He works to build up the school debate team to the highest national standards. The debate team consists of James, Samantha, Henry and Hamilton who left the team when they made ​​it to the next level. The team does well from the outset, defeating teams at other black colleges and eventually being invited to compete at white universities.

What I like about the movie is the way the debaters debated. We can see how they delivered the point, the facts that they get and the way they defend their team confidently. It is interesting for me because all the debaters they have extraordinary debate skills and never get bored of it because what we can see certain people they do not really like to deal with facts and open a hundreds book just to find a point or arguments.

In addition we also can see racism against black people. In the scene where as the team is driving to participate in a debate, they encounter a black man hanging lifeless from a tree. The totally scarred and barely human body is surrounded by whites who seem to take pleasure in what they have done. From my opinion we have to stop this racism to keep unity among all of us. It might hard for certain people to adapt the situation but we live in societies that have different type of people. To live in a big society we have to socialize and follow the society.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Are You a Romantic or a Libertine?

Based on the article that I read Are you a Romantic or a libertine by M.Scott Peck, M.D define love is paradox meanwhile romance is a prevailing sense of wonder or mystery surrounding the mutual attraction in love affair. This article is very interesting for us to read.

Are you a romantic or a libertine? M.Scott Peck, M.D stated that most dictionaries do not define love but simply describing its symptoms even countless books have been written about it. The definition just not fails to define what love is but as well incomplete in listing down it’s symptoms. Love can be defined in many ways but sometimes can’t explain the mix feelings that they have hatred and resentment that human beings have the same time. 

Even I do not know how to explain it, since for me, life and love is too deep to be described by words. My opinion for this article is both types of lovers are in love. But what makes it different is how or which way that they use to experience, show or to be love.

If we ask either they are romantic or libertine type person, most of them will say that they are romantic type person even some of them are libertine. This is because normally people will describe romantic lover is someone who is love his partner and give full commitment towards each other and showing their love in their own way. While Libertine lover is someone who is not confident, who are afraid to having a relationship and they not give the full commitment relationship.

But sometimes if we think deeply it’s better to have experience in the both way. For example not all romantic relationship will bring you happiness. It might be a false hope. Begin relationship with romantic feelings and felt that life was finally worthwhile. But eventually the relationship began to fall apart. 


This is my 3rd movie review that I watched last month I think. The movie is “From Hell” directed by the Hughes brothers.  This was actually adapted from the true story about Jack the Ripper. The main actor of this movie is Johnny Deep act as Inspector Frederick Abberline. His character is an excellent but drug-addicted police officer who uses psychic instincts to hunt criminals. Jack the Ripper is the savage serial killer who is killing the prostitutes of Whitechapel.

What I can say is the movie is a conflict between two different world which is high and lower class people. The lower class people are the prostitutes. The streets team life is misery as the women struggle to make enough money to keep them safe. So many knives are bared can tell who may actually be Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper stalks a group of prostitutes and the crime happened when he started to kill the prostitutes one by one. All the victims were killed cruelly by cutting the throats and remove their internal organs. 

While watching this movie I was thinking the reasons why the killer doing this. Logically, as we can see the prostitutes didn’t do anything as they deserve to be killing that way. That is too much for me. What was on my mind, I think that the only reasons why he did this to the prostitutes is because he wants to give them a lesson that they can get a better job other than that or maybe something bad happened to the killer related to the prostitutes and make him want to kill them. But it was such a sad ending to watch Abberline in the end die because of opium overdose. 

For those watch the movie maybe they have their own opinion towards the movie. But me that am what I’m thinking about.