The research indicates that the brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left and the right, and that each of them has their own specializes in different functions, processes different kinds of information, and deals with different kinds of problems. Each of us has a preferred way of using two hemispheres of our brain. Which one are you?
This answer to this question will reveal about yourself you never knew before. First, people love to describe themselves as either left brained (logical, mathematical) or right brained (creative, artistic, wholistic). Why? This is the reason why they are good at some things and not good at other things. The left brain works more with logic and analysis, the right works more with emotions and imagination.
Illusions are examples of how our brain becomes confused by seeing different things when looking at something we've not seen before. This happens because our thinking brain memory pieces together past experiences to decide what things mean to us by keying on either we are using right or left brain to think.
Read out the COLOUR of each word as quickly as you can. If you say the word instead, then start again. Not so easy is it? Amateur psychologists would say because it's the 2 separate halves of your brain work against each other, one trying to process colour information and the other textual data.
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